Back in the dark days when I started in Computers there were no desktops or mini computers - what you were worling on was the size of a large house = programmers were expected to know more then one language the commerical type ones such as Cobol RPG etc - heavy calcu;ation type solutions were done in Fortran hand held scanners were programmed in Forth and if you wanted to progress to systems programmer you needed some assembler - then there were the numerous special languges put out by the machine manufacturers - ncr- had easy code - honey well had its own etc etc. It was also handy to be able to write in GPSS or simlu Begin to do any simulations
C and Fortran programmers were generally in the scientific sector - with the introduction of the 'desktop' computer assembler and basic were the forerunners - once cases were put on the naked mini's then just about every language became availalbe on the 8 bit machines and the great basic versus pascal debate began then the basic versus C ,the pascal versus C versus Basic - the reason why these debates arrived is that programmers no longer had skills across a large range of languages - they learnt one and thus tried to change the world to use that particular language for all jobs.
I really does not matter what languages you use - except that some are more approriate to particular jobs then others and with .Net you can use the lot at the same time - you can write in, god help us even Visual Pascal for Net and if you are mad enought you can even write it in
Just think of the size of the DNN community if the dnn frame work was written in Forth.Net - the whole community could fit in a VW
Then of course you have the true C programmers that think that C# and C++ are the devils work or at best were designed by out of work Pascal programmers.
The point is of course with the introduction of .Net you can mix and match your code language within the same solution and it will work with no problems - so if you are a C# programmer then you can write modules in C# in theory you can write them in what every language you are easy with.. The framework however is best matched to VB.Net - this is I would think the most used of the net languages ( has the widest user base)
We need to get back to the good old days when we had programmers not c programmers, basic programmers etc = in reality we are generally only using two languages Basic and C so how hard is it for a C Programmer to learn basic and how hard is it for a basic programmer to learn C.