Joined: 1/1/0001
Posts: 0
I registered last week an account on https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/ and it is impressive to see how much work is done to fix issues and create new functionality. Thank you very much!
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www.webmazing.net Joined: 9/3/2003
Posts: 116
I have to agree with Chris on this, the message on the site feels as if the new platform hides behind evoq.
Buying products with the intent of intergrading them into the platform is a natural evolution in software development; Dnn cannot be an exception to this while being the exceptional product it is today.
Although Bruce has done a good job for the migration from Url Master onto Dnn 7.1, active forums was underfunded on the community project side.
Obviously, the scope of social integration is a lot larger, and the job has come a long way with many new API’s and behaviors in the platform, however, more employee paid time should have been provided to activeforums.codeplex.com.
This project should not have been so stagnated; management at DNN should have taken action, by putting a paid full time Dnn employee on this until a suitable replacement with a migration script became available, along with community help, it could have been completed with more interest.
I would like to see more exposure of the platform right on the home page, full width banner, just below the “Evoq is here” banner, didn’t you release the new platform, and shouldn’t it be there also? As it is now, if I was looking for popular free platform DotNetNuke, I would guess it died.
Ultimately, create dnnplatform.com and give the community the tools to promote Dnn platform as the lower cost alternative to evoq, having both compete for the same web space is confusing, and can easily mislead people.
I get the importance of evoq, and I do like what I see in the platform, I also agree with the evoq pricing, they are targeting more mission critical companies, however, marketing on the platform needs a restart.
Code wise, well, Dnn 7.1 is a really nice release, in fact, I will proudly say, it is the best feature enhancement release ever.
Search URL Responsive Templates
Wow, finally, search that makes sense, out of the box. Kudos on the new search result view options.
URLs, iFinity in the platform, having Bruce do the integration in Dnn has been quite successful for the platform.
The core templates have improved, cleaned up, less clutter of legacy designs.
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Joined: 8/19/2013
Posts: 2
Thanks Cathal for the quick response - I registered on the dnntracker site and was reassured by the amount of issue resolution that is being done.
I feel a bit better now :-)
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There has been concern expressed for quite a while now about the future of the open source platform. And we have tried to be VERY clear in our communication that the success of the business depends on the success of the open source platform - one is not possible without the other. I even wrote a lengthy blog in May http://www.dnnsoftware.com/blog/cid/1... which was intended to address this topic in a very comprehensive manner. That being said, with all the recent changes related to branding, the website, etc... I do understand why these questions continue to arise.
Most people have heard of and agree with the saying "actions speak louder than words". However, it is interesting how actions can often be misinterpreted. In these cases, they need to be supported by words or else there is the danger that people will come to the wrong conclusion.
I am bringing this up because in the rebranding / website overhaul, a LOT of care and attention was put into the goal of trying to give the DNN Platform more visibility, better representation, etc... than it had on the the previous website. For example, it was no mistake that it got its own top level navigation menu option named "Platform". Nor was it a mistake that a whole new set of "platform" content pages were created to emphasize the value and power of the DNN Platform. All of these "actions" were intended to demonstrate our commitment to the open source platform - so it is interesting how people are coming to the opposite conclusion. I can concede that the Home page of the website is currently lacking adequate representation for the Platform - but this is because we were trying to keep the focus on the new brand and logo for the launch, and I expect that we will update the Home page with new content soon.
My comments are my own and are offered WITHOUT PREJUDICE
Shaun Walker
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www.webmazing.net Joined: 9/3/2003
Posts: 116
Many thanks, Shaun.
Excellent blog!
I feel the Dnn message is clear, and the platform release has been great.
Over all, the new site layout is great.
However, I do hope for better exposer on the home page.
Additional exposure should also be for the Dnn Store.
Show the Dnn Store on the home page as a banner ad, also, under the Solutions menu, add a dedicated page marketing the Stores assets, essentially, why using extensions from our store is right for you.
As a vendor, this is important, unless I’m missing something, other than the top right link that is hidden by the pick nick table icon, there is no clear message showing how a low cost solution can be achieved with platform and store extensions.
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