I have been developing css based dnns kins for years now and it takes some extra work.
When I design a a skin I make sure that my basic template is error free and I change the default.aspx to be xhtml comliant and has xhtml transitional doctype. ( you need to modify the default.aspx for that )
When i develop custom modules I make sure that my output is also xhtml. Ofcourse i cannot control this from third party modules, so i try to use those as less as possible or i modify them. But then again most of the core mods dont comly either
And as an added bonus asp.net 1.1 out of the box doenst generate valid html
After i have made sure the skin is semantic and validly coded I dont care too much about the validation errors in the rest of the site, most are just because not recognizing of idtags because dnn core enerates it as uppercase
and a lot have to do with wrong replace of the contentpanes ( not in place of content panes but below an empty contentpane with tags that have nothing to do there )
there is no attribute "align".
...an id="dnn_ctr437_ContentPane" align="left"><!-- Start_Module_437 -->
And if you have a portal wher emore people edit content you can never be completly certain that others enter the correct data ( text html modules doent generate standard xhtml by default )
here are some of mine, the original code and skin validated the rest is just because of asp.net 11 and dnn, but at least they are completely table-less in the design
Armand Datema
Get my new skin ( lots of design variations [18 headers, 30 titlebars, 30 breadcrumbs, 3 footers ], 50+ typography containers , 50+ page templates and an online theme builder for unlimited skin variations) Aura>
For all your skin conversions
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