I found the 'custom' directory and fckconfig.js and added them there but it still doesn't swtich it off. I've added to all occurrences of fckconfig.js I can find.
Here is the link added to the source from the email link tool.
<a href=" location.href='mailto:'+String.fromCharCode(101,118,101,110,116,115,64,97,99,107,114,111,121,100,46,98,101)+'?subject=test&body=this%20is%20a%20test'">TEST</a>
These are the lines I've added to the bottom of the fckconfig.js.
FCKConfig.EMailProtection = 'none' ; // none | encode | function
FCKConfig.EMailProtectionFunction = 'mt(NAME,DOMAIN,SUBJECT,BODY)';