Hi Richard,
Of course portals are MORE than a good idea. That was not my intention at all...
Abstraction... just like we abstract presentation from data, code from data and the dot net framework from the normal everyday graphic designer... we can as well abstract the underlying mechanics of DNN so that a resource is nothing but a part of the hierarchy removing any need for knowing that it is in underlying layers located within a DNN structure somewhere.
Maybe a example will help:
mydomin / portalsdir / portalid / images / resource
- has no value at all to a user...
- is dilutes the relationship to the hierarchy
- makes it impossible sometimes to directly adress a resource
- Its a longer path
- etc...
If we instead mapped a virtual path to all requests for downloadable images, pdfs, flash, videos, word documents etcc.. like
virtual dir root "/" = "mydomin / portaldir / portalid /"
then we can tell someone to download a resources without having to define a long cryptic string, we could refer to the resource in higher level abtractions using a shorter more meaningful and relevant path, we could build on close proximity of resources with respect to spiders etc...
Another great example is to upload a file called test.zip for offshore graphics designers or customers even and then simply refer to the file as mydomain / customers / download/ test.zip and even the CEO would be able to understand how to that :-)
It is purely logical... it is NOT nessesary to use portalID and PortalDIR until absolutely nessesary... the only time that this is ever truely needed is in CODE.... and I am talking backend code.....
Surprised this even needs to be debatted... its a no brainer....
Cheers, Bill