So you changed, then saved and restarted the website, and still had error on line 34 after changing like this:
Line 34: Private Sub RenderToResponseStream(ByVal Response As Web.HttpResponse, ByVal controller As XmlController)
Line 34: Private Sub RenderToResponseStream(ByVal Response As System.Web.HttpResponse, ByVal controller As XmlController)
And then again on the next line mentioned there is a System.Web is being called without System with an error that will pop up if you rerun page?
I fixed the one it took me to the next error, so then I changed it and it ran smoothly. Not sure what modules you have in this folder (Folders in the App_Code folder)?
And can you print your entire page error?
Are you editing this file with notepad directly on the server? Maybe a cache thing if your editing it and it is staying the same because the error message should change somewhat if it is reading it correctly.