I was able to download and the copy the DLL file into the bin directory. This allowed me to delete some of the new test comments I made, but it did not allow me to delete some old comments that were from a difference instance of a module. The SQL worked for these older (different instance) comments. Thanks for that. BTW the SQL I used was: DELETE FROM Feedback WHERE FeedbackID = [ID of the post you want to delete]
On the old instance of the module which I still use, I had deleted the feedback comments module that goes with it. I was just using it for people to send me an email and I was not moderating, or using any subjects or categories or displaying any of the comments.
Your directions on changing the stored procedcure are over my head. I don't understand where to find it, what the file name is, and can I use NotePad to modify it? Can you provide more specific instructions?
I don't remember if I deleted it and added a new one. Maybe. I've been trying lots of things to get this to work.
What about an SQL for moving a feedback item from pending to published?? (I would like to fix this problem so I don't need this, but I need to get these things posted NOW.)
I have also changed the values on my one category and three subjects to either 1, 2, or 3. This did nothing expect change the subject line of the email I receive. The subject line is now the value instead of the name of the subject.
Thanks for your help on this!