Mike is correct, the Repository module is released as a .net 1.1 module for use with DotNetNuke 3.X or 4.X.
HOWEVER, the source code is only compatible with .net 1.1 and therefore Visual Studio 2003. If you want to try converting the code to compile and run under Visual Studio 2005, you may certainly do so, but it will not be supported other than to answer generic VS 2005 and .net 2.0 questions.
Following is the only supported method for making code changes to the Repository version 3.1.10 source code until an official .net 2.0/VS2005 version of the Repository module is released.
IMPORTANT!: The source code is ONLY compatible with .NET 1.1, so you can only make code changes and recompile the source code using Visual Studio 2003. You can install the resulting package on a DotNetNuke 4.X site, but you must make any code changes on a 3.X site and rebuild the package.
- DotNetNuke 3.X working web site
- Visual Studio 2003
- NANT Utility (http://nant.sourceforge.net/)
To make code changes:
1. Download and Install the Repository_3.01.10_Install.zip package
2. Test your local DotNetNuke 3.X web site, and test the Repository module
3. Download and Unzip the Repository_3.01.10_Source.zip package into your /DesktopModules/Repository folder
4. Load the /DesktopModules/Repository/DotNetNuke.Repository.sln solution file in Visual Studio 2003
5. Make your source code changes, compile and test
6. Make a final compile in Release mode
7. Exit Visual Studio 2003
8. run the /DesktopModules/Repository/DotNetNuke.Repository.build file
You will see 2 new packages in the /DesktopModules/Repository/packages folder, one named Repository_3.01.10_Install.zip and Repository_3.01.10_Source.zip
You can now take your recompiled install package, Repository_3.01.10_Install.zip and install it on your DotNetNuke 4.X web site.