The 5.00.4 release on Github fixes the timezone issue in my local development lab that uses Windows 2012 R2, but it does not fix the issue in my Azure DNN installation. In my local development lab the server is set to my local time. In Azure web app, the server is set to UTC. I changed the server time in my Azure Web app using the Application setting: WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE to my local time. Forum time continued to be UTC and not local time. Portal time and profile time set to local time. And Host Dashboard reports server time as local.
So to recap:
1. Local development with 5.00.4 and forum time shows correct local time.
2. Azure DNN installation does not
DNN version and Forum version the same on local development and Azure.
Any ideas what could the problem?
I read that the WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE changes the time, but leaves the offset to +00. So perhaps this "application setting" local time does not provide the forum code with the correct offset?
Edited: My DNN version is 7.4.1 in local lab and in Azure.
Forum SQL was modified to make it Azure compatible by adding WITH to the joins in the following stored procedures: Forum_ThreadViewsIncrement, Forum_Thread_Split