Mike & Tom.. I took your advice and started over. Working slowly, and step by step from the instructions I was able to get "auto logon" to work with AD.
Using the provided script form logons still returns an error: (yes I did change the domain name for all lines)
E:\eDirectory\PROD\DesktopModules\AuthenticationServices\ActiveDirectory\Login.ascx(27): error BC30201: Expression expected.
What is curious about the whole forms logon setup is that I grabbed the old script from the DNN 3.x signin.ascx file and it works (see below). So I have to ask, is the script Tom provided correct, is there something missing from it? -- Thanks in advance.
<script runat="server">
Sub change(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
if txtUsername.Text="admin" then
elseif txtUsername.Text="host" then
else txtUsername.Text="domain\" & txtUsername.Text
end if
end sub