Thank you for the post. Regarding my problem with the Gallery, I disagree it is a skin problem. Remember that the Gallery was working perfectly fine, all albums, before I decided to change some of the album names, all through the interface. I thought it was related to an old issue where spaces in the names would mess things up but after changing the names again with no spaces, rebooting the server, and clearing up the browser cache, some albums still look bad. I also compared the rendered HTML from IE7 and Firefox (where all albums work fine) and the difference is MAJOR. The version from IE7 is missing big portions, all related to the definition of styles. Again, all this was working fine before. The module is failing to process those albums properly for some reason.
Regarding the support to the Gallery Module and your reminder about this being open source and to quote you "So wait for it". You know what? That argument is less valid and irrelevant every day, specially with DNN, may not be so for other open source projects. DNN is now backed by a corporation that is doing major PR so that institutions and consultants like myself take them seriously enough to start using their product (DNN) for real business applications. This is not intended for hobbyists any more. We are here in the trenches also pushing DNN to our customers because we believe in it. You may not know my record but I have been working with DNN since version 1.x and I have been pretty vocal about how mismanaged the Gallery Module effort has been. Not you, but in the past the Gallery project was in limbo and requests for status were totally ignored. I had a simple request for a situation report unanswered for months and nobody cared about talking about it until I incrementally raised the tone of my posts. Remember that this was after a couple of months of waiting just for a simple status report. I also said along the way that DNN has lost a lot of people that needed a photo album and went elsewhere for a solution, again, people out here are implementing real solutions with DNN, and not for family vacation albums. I for instance manage a Web site for a not for profit sports club that needs the pictures to try to attract athletes and donors. Right now I'm developing an Intranet application based on DNN for another customer.
I totally understand the nature of the beast and that the people working on this don't get paid, and I have also managed major software development projects, so I know what can go wrong. But the "it's open source put up with it or leave it" tone is an insult to me and others that use DNN and are actually patient about all this, you also have to understand what is the new purpose of the DNN corporation and the fact that some of us do take the product seriously. Maybe you have to rethink your involvement in the project and realize that you are not working in a hobby type of open source project and that your constituency have the right to expect quality and timely deliverables, even if it is open source, otherwise why bother. And by the way, I do believe I contribute plenty to the DNN community by helping in the Forums whenever I can and spreading the word, I propose DNN as a solution every chance I get, so I hope you don't use the other overused argument that is thrown around whenever something doesn't go right (goes like, you don't like it, get involved), well, I am very involved already, and I also do it for free.
And I have no problem waiting a little longer for the Gallery if it works right, after all, the community have been waiting for years to have a stable, usable product. It is your tone I have a problem with. Just because you are working in the project now doesn't give you the right to talk to me (us) with such condescendence.