I have some question about the software. I try to compare the data I got from DNN sitelog and this software.
I compare the users on 2007/2/5 for them, I found the StarterStat show 223 visits, but the sitlog only show 118 Visitors. I have a little confuse about the report data because they are so different?? Does anybody know what's going on?
I check the sitelog report I think the SQL state of the sitelog report I used is(I compare my SQL statement and sitelog report. They have the same report data.)
select PortalId, count(UserHostAddress) as 'Page Views', count(Distinct UserHostAddress)as Visitors from SiteLog where DateTime >= '2007/2/5' and DateTime < '2007/2/6' group by PortalId
I have check the SQL state with all my portals. The results are all the same. But it far from the data at SmarterStat.
How should I merge these two different data for reference? Actually I suppose I can get the same report about the visitor's number, but they are so different now. Did I miss something?