So I’m not entirely sure how to describe this and my site is not accessible from the outside.
I’ve put a forum module into one of my pages. My page layout has an image at the top and a menu box on the left, the forum module takes up the right side of the page. When I click on a forum, this one is called “User Interface”, in my “Discussions” group the page layout stays intact. I have a thread called “test thread”, I can click it to see the post and the page layout stays intact again. Now at the top of the module, I have a path of >Discussion >User Interface >Test Thread.
If I click the User Interface link it goes up a level and the page layout stays intact as expected. However if I click the Discussion link I loose the page layout. The image at the top which is set globally is there, but my menu box on the left is gone and my panes are gone. It’s just one big blank page. Almost exactly like you see (by default I’m guessing) when you edit the “Settings” on any of the modules.
I also noticed when this happens, the container title changes to “My Post”.
I get the same loss of the wrapper when I go to create a new post. I get the text editor thing in the middle of an otherwise blank page.
Can anyone tell me why this happens? I would expect that all the functions of the forum (posting, viewing post) would happen inside the location where I put the module? It’s like it jumps to another page where I can’t define the layout??
Sorry for what must be a mind-boggling description of my issue. I’ll be happy to provide further info.