Hi All,
Need help, urgently!
For some reasons, I seem to be unable to create new portals.
I debugged the signup.ascx.vb file located under the admin\portal folder.
And it seems to go wrong on line 251, when trying to run the objSecurity.Encrypt function.
Code Snippet >>
'Attempt to create the portal
intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal(txtTitle.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtUsername.Text, objSecurity.Encrypt(Convert.ToString(Common.Globals.HostSettings("EncryptionKey")), txtPassword.Text), txtEmail.Text, txtDescription.Text, txtKeyWords.Text, Common.Globals.HostMapPath, strTemplateFile, HomeDir, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strChildPath, blnChild)
intPortalId = Null.NullInteger
strMessage = ex.Message & "</br>Title: " & txtTitle.Text _
& "</br>FirstName: " & txtFirstName.Text _
& "</br>txtLastName: " & txtLastName.Text _
& "</br>txtUsername: " & txtUsername.Text _
& "</br>txtEmail: " & txtEmail.Text _
& "</br>Common.Globals.HostSettings: " & Convert.ToString(Common.Globals.HostSettings("EncryptionKey"))
For some reason it can´t retrieve an encryption Key?
Are there others who encountered this and know the solution to theis problem? The weirdest things is this error/bug only occurs in my production environment.
Prod: SQL2000
Dev: SQL 2005 Expres
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Jerry Tjon