Assuming you are trying to store a value to control how you module behaives, a fairly simple way to do what your asking is (if I remember correctly):
1. Create a module that inherits ModuleSettingsBase.
2. Create inputs for your settings.
3. Override Sub LoadSettings (using TabModuleSettings assign values like MySettingTextbox.Text = TabModuleSettings("MySettingName").
3. Override Sub UpdateSettings (Create instance of moduleController and save settings like ModController.UpdateTabModuleSettings(TabModuleID, MySettingName, SettingValue)
4. Add this Settings Module as a control in your mod definition with a "Settings" key.
If I got all that straight, you should be able to save, retrieve and edit edit your settings. Your module that needs to use the settings simply needs to access them like TabModuleSettings("MySettingName").