I'm coming into this a bit late and like jncraig, I'm trying to translate this code into C#. This isn't working for me, though. My OnModuleCommunicate method is basically being ignored. Can someone provide some guidance as to what may be wrong? Just so you know, this module is being written for a gaming web site.
On the sending module I have:
partial class eVenturersAdventureList : PortalModuleBase, IModuleCommunicator
public event ModuleCommunicationEventHandler ModuleCommunication;protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)if (!Page.IsPostBack)this.ModuleCommunication += new ModuleCommunicationEventHandler(eVenturersAdventureList_ModuleCommunication);public void eVenturersAdventureList_ModuleCommunication(object sender, ModuleCommunicationEventArgs e)//no code goes here?
args.Sender =
args.Target =
args.Value = ((
args.Type =
This all works up to firing the ModuleCommunicate event. On the listening module I have the following, which seems to do nothing:
partial class eVenturesAdventure : PortalModuleBase, IModuleListener
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)if (!Page.IsPostBack)public void OnModuleCommunication(object sender, ModuleCommunicationEventArgs e)this.CurrentAdventureLabel.Text = e.Value.ToString();protected void MyNewAdventureButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)ModuleCommunicationEventArgs args = new ModuleCommunicationEventArgs();"AdventureList";"Adventure";LinkButton)sender).Text;"string";this, args);
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.