Brian, thanks for supporting this. I sincerely hope your girlfriend wins the battle and lives far beyond the age of 90. Cancer is a horrible tragedy brought upon us that is taking lives everyday. If we could all unite regardless of age, nationality and race against Cancer, I have no doubt we'll find the cure and rid this world of carcinogens (or at least prevent their harm).
Currently, we have people from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Delaware hiking for the cure. Ages ranging from 25 to 50. A US Air Force pilot that just returned from IRAQ, civil engineers, entrepreneurs, musicians, factory workers, etc… all uniting to help raise funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society.
Even CVR Fitness from Arizona is providing free consultation for the hikers to help them prepare for the hike and to teach them how to handle their health on and after the hike.
All organized and delivered to the world using DotNetNuke!
If you are serious about hiking with us, I'll help pay for any travel expenses to get you to the trail head. I can also purchase your fuel and liquids locally for you if you decide to fly in.