I have a test box setup with windows 2k3 standard with all the latest updates, visual studio 2005, and SQL server 2005. I've tried many many times now to try get dot net nuke working correctly however I am running into all sorts of issues with it.
I added the visual studio starter kit, got that installed, created a new project and edited the web.config as stated in both the appsettings and connection strings sections. I then published the website, and gave network service access writes to the directorys.
Here is a short list:
- All the drop down arrows when you click on the links drop down while in admin mode, just has the icons, then I see Add Link, but all the items below it are blank (no text).
- Going to Admin>>Log Viewer just plain errors out, and I don't know where to go for more details:
- http://localhost/TEST2/Default.aspx?tabid=48&error=Value+cannot+be+null.%0d%0aParameter+name%3a+format&content=0
- The error message is: An error has occurred.
- As you can see it is not very informative.
- Going to Admin>>Site Settings and changing any type of value on the page yields the following error:
- Value cannot be null. Parameter name: format
- Thus nothing can be changed on that page
- This happens on most pages.
- Was initially getting an error that it could not find siteurls.config, so I just copied it to the root directory of the website and it got in.
- In visual studio .net 2005 you can not load the default.aspx page in design mode. You get an error as follows:
- Error 102 Form:Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlIntrinsicControlDesigner' to type 'System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner'. C:\ARRTWeb\Default.aspx C:\ARRTWeb\
These are just a few of the issues in the several attempts at installing DNN 4.02. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I would like to see if this app is stable enough for a production website.
From what I have ascertained, when you initially hit the website it goes through and creates all the SQL objects. Therefore, if you run this in file mode in Visual Studio 2005, it will start a Web server instance with a random port number. If you stop this web server and start it again, you may get a different port number. It seems DNN stores the initial website in a SQL table, therefore what do you need to do so that DNN actually finds the portal/home page again since it was initially created on another port.
Many questions I know, hopefully someone out there has some answers to these issues. I can post screenshots on my webserver if people want them.