Well the problem has now been solved regarding my gallery issues.
Thanks in huge part to Patrick Chin at Pacific Online for trouble shooting this for me. Attached is his blurb about what was wrong and what he did to fix it.
Hopefully this is of some help to others and/or some interest to the crew who writes this module.
> Hi Mark,
>I got the Gallery component to work!
I found a bug in Gallery that
> prevented it from working properly on UNC shares. I also did some
> test uploads and they worked.
> Also, the version of Gallery I am using comes from:
> http://www.jegers.com/DNN/Default.aspx?tabid=133
You can post the fix to the forum.
My fix is really a hack so maybe it's not the right fix to use but it at least illustrates the problem.
The problem has to do with the function "BuildPath()" in the file
Here is my "fixed" version:
' Provides more functionality than the path object static functions Public Shared Function BuildPath(ByVal Input() As String, ByVal Delimiter As String, ByVal StripInitial As Boolean, ByVal StripFinal As
Boolean) As String
Dim output As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
output.Append(Join(Input, Delimiter))
'4/19/2007 - 1:27am - PC - Hack: If the beginning of the output begins with \\ then we are dealing
'with a UNC path. Double the beginning slashes
(\\) to compensate for the following Replace call.
If output.ToString().Substring(0, 2) = "\\" Then
output.Insert(0, "\\")
End If
output.Replace(Delimiter & Delimiter, Delimiter)
If StripInitial Then
If Left(output.ToString(), Len(Delimiter)) = Delimiter Then
output.Remove(0, Len(Delimiter))
End If
End If
If StripFinal Then
If Right(output.ToString, Len(Delimiter)) = Delimiter Then
output.Remove(output.Length - Len(Delimiter),
End If
End If
Return output.ToString()
End Function
Patrick Chin
IT Infrastructure Specialist
Pacific Online Inc.
Phone: (604) 638-6010 ext 223
Fax: (604) 638-6020
Toll Free: (877) 503-9870