Declic Video wrote
But FCK was working very well with 4.4.1 (I just had to install the file in common for IECustom, otherwise I had this problem of popup behind the main window and it was not possible to select a picture).
My problem is SOLVED !! Thanks to all people who investigated the issue and helped me a lot (Locopon, ErikVB, John, ...)
Since I have the child window which always appear BEHIND the parent window (when trying to select an image), I was forced to use an "old obsolete trick" (substituting the fck_dialog_common.js file which is in FckhtmlEditorProvider/IECustom/IECustom folder).
==> THIS CREATES the trouble (the javascript error + critical error on my installation). Because this file is obsolete.
Consequently: DO NOT USE this obsolete fck_dialog_common.js file (the one located in FckhtmlEditorProvider/IECustom/IECustom folder. Always use the original one)
If you experience the same problem than me, do the following (I copy-paste the trick that Locopon sent me and solves the problem):
1) First you need to use the original .js file (and not the one located in FckhtmlEditorProvider/IECustom)
2) clear you browser cache as it saves the file for future uses
3) open the original fck_dialog_common.js (it must be the one from the current version of the editor....otherwise it will cause javascript errors)
4) locate the function: function OpenFileBrowser( url, width, height )
5) locate the code inside that function after the following comments:
// The following change has been made otherwise IE will open the file
// browser on a different server session (on some cases):
// by Simone Chiaretta.
6) and insert the following code after that:
if (oEditor.window.showModalDialog) {
sOptions = "status:no;resizable:yes" ;
sOptions += ";dialogWidth:" + width + 'px';
sOptions += ";dialogHeight:" + height + 'px' ;
sOptions += ";dialogLeft:" + iLeft + 'px' ;
sOptions += ";dialogTop:" + iTop + 'px' ;
var oRet =
oEditor.window.showModalDialog(url,"FCKBrowseWindow",sOptions) ;
if (oRet) SetUrl( oRet );
7) The close the last bracket after the original code that opens the window
(Note: it can be changed from version to version)
alert( oEditor.FCKLang.BrowseServerBlocked ) ;
} //<<<<<------Add this one... the above is the
original code to show you where
8) That is all.
Note that you will have to do this for every new version of the editor, and
the original code could be different each time
Déclic Vidéo FX