Spot on.. the sentence that the install is very cumbersome... I ecpierence exactly the same problems as a lot of people scattered over this forum, I concluded from reading many postings here.
What all my fellow "crap I can't get this to work within 24 hours of straight troubleshooting" have done is this, and they fail misetably.
Like the others, I went for the install package, on windows 2003 server, ASP2.0 and I did all the stuff in the documents, yet.. firing install.aspx or even browsing to the default.aspx gives an error. I'm not even going to bother to state what errors, as they are the same as the other postings. It's like nothing was found, nothing get's executed.
I run a bunch of forums internally, and some externally. This one just kills me.
Even people commenting on this forum : A lotta (dumb) people create a directory dotnetnuke and point their installs to it...They then vaguely advise to do it under the root, while all the documents say you have to create avirtual diretory.
So, this posting is not to get help, but to invite other people who suffer exactly from this :
Found DotNetnuke, meet the requirements ASP.net20, sqlserver 2005, IIS60, NTFS permissions, webconfig file carefully edited, etc., etc.
ready to browse for the first time... anxious.. nothing happens...just page 404. nothing found. even /install/install.aspx does "nothing"
to register on this forum and join this thread to show we're not the only ones. As I am finishing typing this ,my collegues have given up too. We don't quit easily!