Hi Nina,
Thanks for your help. Glad you liked the site. It's my first DNN site, and i've found it a generally positive experience so far.
I'm pleased with my skin and containers, although it was designed for 800 by 600 which may simply be too small these days!
It's disappointing that the solpartmenu doesn't support these features. I was hoping not to have to buy a third party component, but it does seem like good value.
i read your experiences with the Snapsis menu, as was interested in your experiences with long menu item text. I suspect i will have a similar problem. What was your solution?
I guess my alternative options are to use starttabid and different skins if i don't want to use a third party component? have you any experience with this.
Alternatively, does DNN support the asp.net menu yet?
Finally, what would be the best way to write my own menu as unordered lists? How do i acquire the nodes from DNN? Do you know the best entry point into the API?
Thanks ever so much for your help so far.