gary@interprise wrote
AspDotNetStorefront is an establsihed player in eCommerce and has over 5,000 companies running their module. The DNN version of their cart is being developed in conjuction with Tag-Software which is owned by one of the DNN core team members so it will be "spot on".
Here are just a few websites running AspDotNetstorefront...
Gary Harrison
Interprise Solutions
That is true to a certain point - but here's my thoughts on this matter.. (And I notice you are a reseller of this product so you would know really well which is a plus
Here is the costing of the product as it stands -
This product has been under development for close to one year, with the most we've see on the marketplace doesn't integrate and to be talking about
The majority of users based on the amount of threads with the word 'go daddy' will not be able to use this product unless something changes substantially, since the base product doesn't work on the following hosters
AspDotNetStorefront is INCOMPATIBLE with the following hosting companies (sorry):
- GoDaddy
- 1and1Hosting
- Network Solutions
- CrystalTech
Take into consideration that many of the users with DNN are budget users and cringe paying a cent for anything,
The product as it stands is - between 400US for up to 50 products, the Enterprise level can only be used in the US, and when released, it won't have the history that it currently has, so no matter how much one talks about it being for 5,000 100,000 or 1 million, not even the most talented developer I've heard about has been able to integrate a first class forum such as CS with DNN, and it wasn't for the love of trying.
So, while I appreciate this is a stellar product, so is >> they state this - 136,500 store owners
osCommerce has attracted the largest community for an e-commerce solution that consists of over 136,500 store owners and developers worldwide with add-ons being contributed on a daily basis. To date there are over 4,000 add-ons available that have been created by the community to extend the features of an osCommerce online store.
You can download that here -
ZenCart - free - you can download that here
They have a solid history as a standalone product.. and they are free and obviously php. But people looking for straight ecommerce solutions are not often looking for web solutions, and that is where DNN holds it's own for now.
But the news is good for now - 10 DAYS TO RELEASE AS OF YESTERDAY
I can understand it was a much bigger job and that they've had a dnn board member on this full time which also might be why you guys waiting to get your own modules and skins reviewed, might have to wait a little longer. It is a huge project. Ecommerce is huge in itself. This is not a reflection on DNN or aspdotnetnstorefront - it is a realisation that anything that has a forum or ecommerce is a complicated product to build, manage and deploy, let alone migrate it to another framework which has been done here.
It could be hard to compare this product as it stands on it's own to the one for dnn - it's been completely rewritten and I suspect it's going to have teething problems as does all software.
Another interesting thought as per this post - - it is a per store installation. There are no child portals which can run the store.
Their licensing model requires one portal per installation - so each one is a new hosting agreement, dnn installation, portal licencse. Having said that, I personally I agree with one portal per installation. I don't ever suggest or run any ecommerce on multiple sites. Cost of ownership based on the fact that DNN is an open source project might be a bit of a hard sell.
// Edited this section
However, even if I chose to use them, it could prove difficult. In fact anyone in Australia might find it hard to use, since they don't have an AU gateways incorporated as far as I can see.
I use eWay and Catalook provides which about 6 Australian gateways and there are about 70 and even the premium PayPal as standard. But, on the aspdotnetstorefront product, it's on the $600.00 base store.
It may be very easy to say that there is no comparison, Catalook is an 'inexpensive' product, therefore, how does it rate to something like aspdotnetstorefront, but my thoughts on that is .. Catalook is one of the most expensive products in the 'open source' environment in which it's been placed. But, you can buy a server license for around $400.00 or perhaps it's more now, but cost of ownership is proportional to the whole theme of 'open source'.
End of Edit ///
I'm sure we'll hear more news about aspdotnetstorefront in the near future and will be keen to see what they offer, but just remember, GoDaddy is one of the biggest dnn sellers, as cheap and nasty as some people think, there are also plenty who use their premium services, 1And1, Easy CGI hosting cannot use this application so there are are further challenges for those who even want to try it out.
So I look forward to seeing the beta NEXT WEEK and hope they have someone online it can be tried out and it's great to see more projects working natively with DNN - NOW.. where is that Community Server guy - why can't I get my forums and blogs like theirs? Perhaps there is an opportunity there... 
Nina Meiers
My Site - My Blogs - Goodies - DNNSkins - Nina's Free Skins
// Edited this paragraph - original listed below.
However, even if I chose to use them, Iit could prove difficult, in fact anyone in Australia might find it hard to use, since they don't have an AU gateways incorporated as far as I can see. I use eWay and Catalook provides about 6 Australian gateways and there are about 70 and even the premium PayPal as standard, but it's on the $600.00 product with aspdotnetstorefront. It may be very easy to say that there is no comparison, Catalook is an 'inexpensive' product, therefore, how does it rate to something like aspdotnetstorefront, but my thoughts on that is .. it's one of the most expensive in the 'open source' environment in which it's been placed. You can buy a server license for around $400.00 or perhaps it's more now, but cost of ownership is proportional to the whole theme of 'open source'.