Refer to Charles Nurse doc (part of DNN docs) about hardening DNN sites. It's not about functionality, but finesses on security.
I won't talk about pros and cons. As far as object qualifier, I don't think you can convert, as the object qualifier is prepended to the all the DNN objects (excluding asp membership stuff) when the database is created ... so it's not part of the path like the owner is. In other words, if you initially provided object qualifier of jhdan in your web config file, and installed that way, you wouldn't have a portals table in your database ... you'd have a table called jhdan_portals.
(Cool thing about that is you can use the same database for another DNN install with a different object qualifier lytics and then you'd have another table called lytics_portal and the two would happily coexist. Theoretically ... never tried it.)
As far as the user goes, there it _might_ be easier if you are considering a conversion. You'd need to 1) create a new database user and grant the dbo role to that user; 2) find every single object in the database owned by "dbo" and change ownership over to the new user (see Books on Line for MS SQL 2000 and the sp_changeobjectowner stored proc ... write a cursor, loop through each and every object owned by dbo and change it to the new owner) and 3) change the database user in your web.config.
That's in theory. In practice, I probably wouldn't try it except as curiosity on a throw-away site.
If you are really interested in this, and not overly commited to your current install, I'd start all over with a different database user and an object qualifier.
Is it worth it? Depends somewhat. I think it's certainly worth it to start out that way; it's not the beginning and end of security but a sensible piece of it. If you're site isn't way to far along, and you have a keen interest in as much security as possible ... well, your call.