Ok, not the solution I originally thought of, but this works even better!!
I created a noskin pagage with a noskin.ascx that has basically just a <div>.
Then whatever page I want to see I just append this query string..
ie. exacly how the dnn skin preview function works.
And when I append it with this..
&ContainerSrc= (the link to the nocontainer)
Then I can strip away all of the skin and all of the containers back to just <div>'s!!
It works great!! 
It is a bit more to type and remember than simply ?NoSkin=1.. and I might like to change the location of the noskin skin.. so I will probably setup a redirect in the OnLoad even of the first template as above if ?NoSkin=1 is present.. but for now though, it is working and the address is stored as a bookmark anyway.
You could use this method for creating a "for print" version of any page too!