I have read at various times in various places that the DNN site log can hinder site performance. People often say to clear the site log to speed the site up again.
Given a fast server and no other bottlenecks, can someone tell me exactly what sort of load the site log adds and to what aspect of the site?
Is a 60 day log twice as bad as a 30 day log?
How about having a 30 day log for each of ten child portals.. is that a nasty hit? I was planning on having 30 days per portal for any number of child portals.. 100.. 200? Is that possible or will it kill the site?
Are there any performance tweaks that would make the site log faster... in the scheduler perhaps?
How about the site log buffer where I can enter a number.. which is presumably a ram buffer before writing to the db on disk? how big is an item?.. if they're just a few bytes, then is it worth putting a high number in there... what if I put 100 in there?.. What if I put zero?
I'm running a single instance with lots of sub-portals on a VPS account and I really can't tell where any bottlenecks are just by using the site/s... things generally run very well, but I don't want to work my way up to a performance issue long-term.
And another one.. the Users-online setting... which is not enabled by default.. what is the issue with that? Is that another performance hit and if so, how big - again, given no other bottlenecks.
And ifnally, the Event Log Buffer setting.. another ram buffer? What's the performance issue that this assists.. what are the caveats of enabling it? I note that it is also not enabled by default.
Lots of questions I know, but I'm hoping for a good response from someone who knows the real deal, and then there'll be a good thread here permanently for people to find this information.
Thanks heaps for any information about these things.