@ 1: Yes, i have the forum module installed. I can uninstall it in my mirror website, but I find that a bit hard to do because the forum is the main extistence of my website. It is a community site.... But for the test it isn't that big problem.
@ 2: I did not make any changes to the standard web.config exept (ofcourse) the connectionstring and security keys. No references whatsoever...
What I did:
- Upgraded my DNN 3.3.7 to DNN 4.1.1by copying the "INSTALL" version of DNN 4. (I had to make sure to get the new type web.config)
- Changed my Dotnet framework to 2.0
- Set the correct keys and connectionstring in web.config
- Let the database upgrade to the new version by fireing up the site
- All modules were fine exept the Gallery; Error: "Instance not set to an object"
- Then I downloaded your module and installed as described in the manual
- I expected the existing Gallery to show up. but I got just the error as above
- I deleted the existing Gallerymodule from the page (no other modules on this page) and cleared the bin
- I selected the Gallerymodule in the dropdownlist and installed again. The Gallerymodule is there
- I checked the folderstructure and there was a new and empty '1234" folder created, witch I could check in the Gallery setup; same foldernumber
- When I try to change this folder to the previous folder, with the galleryimages in it, I get the "Instance error" again
- I have to delete this instance of the module again anr re-install it to get an new, fresh "1234" folder
- I then tried to create an image map(Add Album) ; that went OK
- I tried to upload a zip file (add file) with appox. 10 pictures (each about 45 K size) and this zipfile shows up in the "pending files" line
- Then I click "upload" and I have to wailt a couple of seconds. No result: the album is empty as is the album folder in the filesystem
- The same happens when I try to upload a single imagefile to an album
I see three main porblems:
1st: I can't change the "Root URL" to an existing set of albums
2 nd: I can't upload any picturefile, nor zipfile to a newly created album
3 rd: Forum integration is a mess; normally I could manage avatars and smilies in the settings in the forum module, but these are all gone and the settings are not working anymore. The forum itself works well, it's just the gallery integration that is bad.
You can have a look at this faulty gallery an forum at:
OK, I wanted to show you the problem, but as I changed the page properties to grant access to all users the gallery module is again unacessable with the same error: "Instance not set to an object". I clicked the "Back" to restore the visible gallery, but it shows that there is an installation problem.
Thanks for your help.