sirs, urgent question on what i guess is a bug of some sorts...
i need to sort of register a user on the fly. a user enters my portal through logging in to a main portal. as he clicks my portal, he/she would be automatically signed in. I need automatic registration if the user has entered the portal for the first time...
i tried to use dotnetnuke.entities.users.usercontroller.createuser(object). even tried to supply other info such as object.username = usernm, object.membership.approved = true, object.membership.password = "hello" etc etc etc....
but when I checked my site, it doesnt create the user in dotnetnuke. further, the createuserstatus says that, "invalidpassword" when I tried to print it out on screen.
it was said in a document by sir charles nurse, dotnetnuke uses createuser(username, password, questionandanswer, isapproved,status) but there is no such!!! there is only createuser(object as userinfo) and that's it!
so sirs I am quite confused, please help me on this. thank you.