Hi Chris,
Ok, I still could not get my admins to Delete/Move posts so I spent some time going through the Forum source. It did take me about an hour to understand how it was working and find the "Posts" code where these buttons appear (not an .ascx ;)
Anyway- I think there is a bug that means only if the forum is moderated will Forum Admins see the Move and Delete button. It looks like if they are in the Admin role they will get it (not an option):
' CP - Add ability for moderators to see link
If (user.HasAdminPermissions Or user.IsModerator Or user.IsGlobalModerator) AndAlso (Post.ParentPostID = 0) Then
(this is true - user is a Modetation || GlobalMod)
If user.HasAdminPermissions = True Then
(false - not in core Admin role)
params = New String(2) {"mid=" & ModuleID.ToString, "forumid=" & ForumId.ToString, "threadid=" & Post.ThreadID.ToString}
url = NavigateURL(ForumControl.TabID, "ThreadMove", params)
RenderCellBegin(wr, "Forum_ReplyCell", "", "", "", "", "", "")
RenderLinkButton(wr, url, ForumControl.LocalizedText("Move"), "Forum_Link")
' Check to see if they are moderator of this particular forum
' Run foruminfo object along w/ userid to new function which will mimic what IsInRole does
If Utils.IsInSingleForumModerators(grandParent.SingleForumModerators, user.UserID) Then
(so this is where I think it is going wrong. I inserted this user record against the Forum ID but if you look at this method -SingleForumModerators - it only gets the list of ids IF the forum is moderated. I want all posts to appear instantly so that is not the case, but my admins must be able to move and delete posts)
params = New String(2) {"mid=" & ModuleID.ToString, "forumid=" & ForumId.ToString, "threadid=" & Post.ThreadID.ToString}
url = NavigateURL(ForumControl.TabID, "ThreadMove", params)
RenderCellBegin(wr, "Forum_ReplyCell", "", "", "", "", "", "")
RenderLinkButton(wr, url, ForumControl.LocalizedText("Move"), "Forum_Link")....
Public ReadOnly Property SingleForumModerators() As String
If IsActive Then
If IsModerated Then
I'm no Forum expext -so please correct me if I am wrong. By your comments, I assume that this will be fixed in the next version, but unless there is a similar skin to the one I have now I wont be able to upgrade - so I think I may be up a creek without a paddle...