I've recently upgraded my .NET 1.1 to 2.0 and installed DNN4.5.1 - source version.
The installation went fine and then I read through the module development guide to check what were the differences between 3.X and 4.x. I created the survey module manually and then got to that part where it talked about the starter kit. As I used templates in the previous 3.x environment, I smiled and went on installing the Starter Kit.
However, when I created a "Compiled Module" a first test project in my solution, I got the following error
"The project file 'C:\Documents and Settings\...\Local Definitions\...\Temp\...\Temp\NewProject.vbproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation."
I have two explanations for this error:
- I installed first the source version and then the starter kit: after the error came up I went back to the installation guide and verified that the starter kit should have been installed first;
- Or the path for new projects is somehow misconfigured: my solution is in D:\Data\...\DotNetNuke4 and not in the path shown above.
Which ever's the case, can I change some settings to correct or must I install the portal again?
Thanks in advance for your help! Best regards,
Ricardo Pinto.