Well it seems like there is some interest in this - http://www.modulereviews.com I set that up in 2005, using a module that I thought was wonderful.... but after getting an amount of modules in, and it took us quite some time, I was disappointed to find that it didn't allow us to let module developers to manage their own listings. EG if you had edit rights to that module you could edit eveyone's listings... so that took a backseat for a while.
Currently - we've got a new site being developed and have over 280 modules categorised. It is modelled on the concepts of modulereviews, but has better modules to manage it.
It will allow people to review the module, but I am cautious about letting people have the ability to just comment on something if they have not used it.
I will be going through the modules I have - I think I have about 300 modules of various sorts and have already discussed with quite a few people who are interested in participating, what's important to them, so we will have available information that covers
- Installation
- Versions
- Source availability
- Comparisons
- Brief overview (plain english)
- Screen shots of installation
- Localisation options
... just to name a few.
I started this back in 2005 becuase I was constantly being asked by so many people, developers and end users about modules and wanted to have a location that I could send my customers to, and my colleagues, but now have more resources and organised structure to manage this, but I really would love to have a couple of developers who are experienced in DNN and want to work with me on this to help.
I will have some help from John Mitchell - he's a talented man who's knowledge of DNN is outstanding.. but there are other elements to DNN where marketers and end users simply don't need to know all these 'developer' things, but want to know..how one module compares to another, and not by the developers themselves, but by people who use them.
A large portion of my business is advising companies what modules to use, what not to use, what developers are like, who is ok and who is all bluff, what modules can do to a server, what modules are good for beginners, what modules we should have and what we shouldn't have. So there is a level of consultation through trial and error and experience in making them work in a commercial application which I would like to share with people.
I initially had this idea it would work on xd - my own site, but what I've found over time is that people are often looking for specific answers... eg.. dnnskins - free skins, skincovered.. learning about skining, not modules and I have catalooksupport.com for catalook module only - so this idea of module reviews was something I thought had merit but it was hard to continue working with once I found that module didn't upgrade, didn't allow reviewing like I wanted it to and sustaining was just too hard to do at a high level.
So back in April, we started getting the information modules and so far, over 280 modules, commercial and free have been put together on a site that needs a little bit more work to get going.
If anyone wants to help - feel free to email me directly. I agree that something like this really would help the community make some decisions about their modules.
Nina Meiers
My Site - My Blogs - Goodies - 28 Free DNNSkins - Nina's Free Skins