This is a brand new install.
I uploaded a skin file, and it appears that it correctly placed all the parts of the file. The skin name shows up in host/skins, but selecting it from the combo box always yields "No Skin Files Exist in Folder". It is the "Good Dog / Hush Puppy set with skin and containers". I uploaded it using Host/Skins/Upload Skin.
I can click on "Parse Skin Package", and this proceeds and seems to work, but makes no difference. I can then check the Skins table, which is empty. But it is still listed. I can then delete the package, which also appears to work (the name is gone from the combo box).
So I tried this with 3 or 4 other complete DNN 4 skin packages, and all of them upload and install with no error, yet follow this pattern.
What could be causing this? No error, but really no functionality either.