The below stats represent a count of users who have logged in at some point since the given date.
ActiveUsers as posted on 3/1/2007
Since Jan 1, 2005 - 331,220
Since Jan 1, 2006 - 228,787
Since Jan 1, 2007 - 45,288
ActiveUsers as of 6/5/2007
Since Jan 1, 2005 -- 371,470
Since Jan 1, 2006 -- 270,943
Since Jan 1, 2007 -- 99,140
Some additional stats that will help put things in perspective
UserLogins by Year
2005 -- 100,527
2006 -- 171,803
2007 -- 99,145
Also, remember that this does not necessarily represent all DotNetNuke users since many people setup DotNetNuke sites without ever visiting, or without ever logging into
While the numbers are interesting I think that it is too easy to make assumptions about what the data means. I do believe that it shows the community is growing. At the current pace we should hit about 220,000 users having logged into during 2007.