Hello, I'm making a modificaiton to the RepositoryDashboad so that a user can create a list of categories that they wish to see, basically a category filter list. The values are stored in a database, my current test set is as follows:
ListID |
ListName |
-1 |
2 |
Dan's List |
3 |
Test List |
I made the modification in the lstObjects_ItemDataBound sub of the RepositoryDashborad.ascx.vb file. In the case "index" under the sub case of "TREE", which is listed below.
The problem I'm having is that when the web page loads the dashboard has "ALL" as the default, which is fine. When I select either "Dan's List" or "Test List" it functions correctly doing a postback and then running the routine DropDownListUserCategory_SelectedIndexChanged as expected. But when I select back to the item "ALL" from either "Test List" or "Dan's List" it doesn't fire the DropDownListUserCategory_SelectedIndexChanged, yet it does do a post back. Where selecting from All to either of the other lists, or either of the other lists to each other fires a post back followed by the DropDownListUserCategory_SelectedIndexChanged. So the only problem is going from any other list to the ALL list. ie I cannot go from Dan's list or test list to ALL and get the DropDownListUserCategory_SelectedIndexChanged to fire.
Does anyone know why the DropDownListUserCategory_SelectedIndexChanged is not being fired when I go back to the ALL category list?
Here is the code I'm working on. Searching for the word "TREE" with the quotes takes you right to the block with the problem.