We use DNN 4.5.4 and the Repository Module 3.1.14 in the development system.
On the productive server we use DNN 4.5.3 and the Repository Module 3.1.13.
In both systems (Win2k3) the same problem exists. We do not use the search
Declic Video wrote
Search problem - If I do a search in the repository, I have URL like this:
(and it does not work neither, it should be without grm2)
If I manually enter the url with grm2id, then the download is ok.
Declic Video wrote
--> http://declic-video-fx.com/Hollywood-FX/Free-HFX/tabid/56/id/185/Default.aspx This one "works" = you arrive on the correct item, but if you try to download the item, you do download the latest one, not the one shown....
The URL with ID it is as you described.