Hi - I am almost going mad.
It is said, I should create a virual folder in my IIS (it would have been helpfull to lose some words on that subject).
I found out, that I probably have no chance to get an IIS because I run W2K
In the documentation they first talk about upgrades rather than explaining what to do at the very first time.
Then - somewhere else I read, that I have to ask my provider....
There are so many CMS now - how can he know them all.
I have already a sql-database - but I found nothing about how to tell that to DNN
Do I really have to install that on my local PC? I do not work with Win XP - and now?
Why can't I just unpack all files and transfer them to my webspace?
I have no plan how to start but I'd like to use that DNN - because due to the film it seems to be a good system.
Anyone here who can help me for the first steps?
Thanks a lot !! :-x