I would like to create a link exchange/link directory template:
Submission form:
Title : User places website title (e.g DotNetNuke) (optionally title is limited to X characters - e.g X=10)
Anchor Text: User places keywords (e.g ASP.NET Powered Portal) (optionally keywords field is limited to X characters - e.g X=10)
URL: User places url (e.g http://www.dotnetnuke.com)
Description: User writes some useful information about his/her portal (optionally, repository can limit characters to X - e.g x=60 means only 60 characters are allowed for descrition text box or rich text box
Tags: User selects categories from list. (Usually by checking checkboxes)
Repository View form:
<a href="[URL]" title="[KEYWORDS]">[TITLE]</a>
I want to do this. But i need Keywords token, how can i create this token? Or can i use existing token instead of Keywords?
How can i limit fields to x characters?
I read documentation but, i am low on think and apply :)
Any help appreciated.