After doing some skins using "normal" horizontal menus I decided to make a skin with a vertical menu also. The skin looks ok but the problem is that the menu doesn't always redirect to the desired page when I click on menu links. Most of the time it does work as it should, but say in 1 out of 4 tries, when I click on a menu item (doesnt matter if its a root or submenu item) it will start load the page (the URL in the browser is changed to the desired page and the IE "flag" is moving) for a few seconds then it stops without having updated the current page.
I don't get any errors or such, it just stops loading as if it had loaded the new page, but it's still showing the old page. If I click the "Reload" button it immediately updates and shows the page I wanted to navigate to. It feels like it loads the new page and all content but fails to refresh the actual view to show it.
My ascx contains:
@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="SOLPARTMENU1" Src="~/Admin/Skins/SolPartMenu.ascx" %>
<div><dnn:SOLPARTMENU1 runat="server" id="dnnSOLPARTMENU1" display="vertical" usearrows="false" userootbreadcrumbarrow="false" usesubmenubreadcrumbarrow="true" rootmenuitemcssclass="rootmenuitem" rootmenuitemselectedcssclass="rootmenuitemselected" rootmenuitembreadcrumbcssclass="rootmenuitembreadcrumb" submenucssclass="submenu" submenuitemselectedcssclass="submenuitemselected" submenuitembreadcrumbcssclass="submenuitembreadcrumb" CSSNodeSelectedRoot="rootmenuitembreadcrumb" CSSNodeSelectedSub="submenuitemselected" /></div>
And then I have some stuff in the skin.css defining colors, images, borders, padding and such.
Now, what can cause this problem ? Do you think it is related to my skin and its css settings, or could it be something with my portal ? The same site with other (horizontal) skins works all the time though, so I think its my skin. Are there any menu settings that could cause this problem if I have set incorrectly by mistake ?