Here's some additional information.
I copied 122 JPG's into the _Source directory, went into the Maintenance screen, selected all, and then synchronized.
The gallery showed nothing was in the album. I then repeated the process with the same results. Once I copied the files from the _Source directory to it's parent then the gallery showed the images.
Approximately 40-50% of the images do not display thumbnails. If I check the _Thumbs directory all 122 files have a thumbnail. More than once I have cleared the _Thumbs folder and Synch'ed again, but the same files continue to not display their thumbnails properly.
However, as someone else here also noted, if I upload the file through the interface then one of the images which was previously without a displaying thumbnail now displays one.
There does appear to be something different in the handling of images that are placed into the directory manually vs those uploaded through the interface.