Hi All,
I have a typical requirement.
I have got two completely different modules, let say 1. Orders 2. Customers
In my orders Module, I would like to let the User select the Customer (whose order he has received) via a DropDownBox. I am populating the DropDownBox from the Customer's Table (which is basically the main table of Customers Module)
Now, I would like to provide the facility to the User to Add/Update the Customer Data, right from my Order's Module, without re-creating all the EditForms. I would like to invoke the EditCustomer.ascx of Customers Module from, within the Order's Module (may be from EditOrder.ascx file)
How do I do that ? (I dont know, where the User would have installed the Customer's Module, neither I would have known the TabId or ModuleId of the Customer's Module's Instance). So how do I find the TabId, ModuleId etc of the Customer's Module ?
Thanks in Advance