I've done a clean install of 4.6 and all went well save for one line of the install:
00:00:00.405 - Executing Script: DotNetNuke.SetUp.SqlDataProvider Success
00:00:02.761 - Executing Script: DotNetNuke.Schema.SqlDataProvider Error! (see DotNetNuke.Schema.log for more information)
00:01:26.245 - Executing Script: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider Success
When I look at the log, it's a long list of SQL commands. Looking at the list, it appears that the last SQL statement at the bottom is truncated:
create procedure dbo.GetTables
/* Be carefull when changing this procedure as the GetSearchTables() function
in SearchDB.vb is only looking at the first column (to support databases that cannot return
a TableName column name (like MySQL))
select 'TableName' = [name]
from sysobjects
where xtype = 'U'
It just doesn't look like the last part of the provider file ran. However, the rest of the install went fine and I have a functioning portal. Now, the real question. When I log in as the admin and look at the list of modules that are available, there's less than 10. In the previous install of 4.3.x there were over 20! So, did this bit of script not running rob me of the install of the modules, and if so will running that script again bring them back?