Hi Stefan,
I am converting the Smart-Thinker modules to take advantage of the core tokens (I used a bespoke token solution, which I am refactoring).I am looking through the core code, but I could not see if this was possible:
I need to get this setting : PortalModuleBase.PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias
so the question is, can you use nested tokens (ie. it is proprty of PortalSettings ("Portal") but I actually need "PortalAlias.HTTPAlias".
I currently use
text = text.Replace("[PORTALURL]", pmb.PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias);
will I have to make a new class inheriting from Base Tokens for PortalAlias?
I also often have multiple users involved (for example, when you join a group you have the FromUser and ToUser, which I use "FROMUSERID" and "TOUSERID" etc.
From what I can see you can only deal with a single UserInfo object at once? Also (I'm sure this is the most common question) - is there a list of Tokens somewhere? It would be nice to get this up as a pinned post on the core forums so everyone can reference it without having to change it all the time. Great job on the Regex solution - a standard UI for users will make this easier for everyone...