Visitor Tracker is an analytic & graphical module that can help you to analyze the behavior of a user during a visiting session. It dynamically generates flow chart (Visitor Paths Map) to display paths of a visitor.

It is important to know how one's site is constructed to make sure that users can navigate readily and to track where the travel to and from, not just which pages are most viewed. This module helps you to follow the track paths of a user. It distills data from dnn site log and dynamically generates flow charts of visitor paths. It is easy to use. First, after you select start date and end date, it will display a list of IP addresses that have visited your web site. Then you can click a IP in the list, it will generate the Visitor Paths Map for you. You can configure features of the map, such as color of link, font size or name, background color, etc.
l Generate flow chart (Visitor Paths Map) by IP address or user name: display paths map of both register users and anonymous users.
l Showing flow chart by visiting sessions.
l Using referral site logo as start icon.
l Using tool tip to display details( Move the mouse to a tab box.)
l Visiting session interval is configurable.
l Login/Logout can be identified and showed in flow chart.
l Showing IP address, begin and end time of the session in flow chart.
l Configurable: all elements in the map can be configured. Include link width, link color, font size, font name, font color etc.
l Configuration preview: you can preview the setting result.
l Detail information of the visiting session is listed following flow chart.
l Draw referral site logo into the map.
l Need not additional tables.
l Need not additional server/client controls.
l You can set to display register user only ( New in 2.0 version.)
Register (free) to see living demo and download user guide here:
l Support display user profile. The user profile template can be defined. All properties in user profile can be used as token in the template.( New in 2.0 version.)
l Host users can view data of all sub portals, need not switch between portals.
l User can select display order fields( duration, username, ip address etc) of Visitor List by click the title.
l Support localization.
l Need not to modify dnn core.