Hi Charles, thanks for the answer.
I still don't think that this helps though: The base problems is that there is no way to the the List ITEMS at portal level.
If we ignore the admin side of things (I will be using SQL to change the PortalIDs) - lets assume you had a module on 2 portals with the List name "SmartThinker_EventCategory" (this is my Events module). Each portal needs to have different Event Categories.
So currently, I use listDataSource = listController.GetListEntryInfoCollection("SmartThinker_EventCategory"); which returns the list items for the list. Now I would expect this method to have an overload for the PortalID - the list names are the same, so the only distinguising ID would be that they are on different portals, but you can only get different top level list info objects by portal, not their items.
The other question (which may shed some light on whether I am trying to go about this the wrong way), is the end part of my initial post:
Should the Lists be stored with the same name like
ListA Portal 0
ListA Portal 1
or does it have to have a different name:
ListA Portal 0
ListB Portal 1
I am not going to implement any UI for the maintenance of the Lists, I am just going to run scripts that insert the same list name but with a different portalID (ie my top example). However the code methods do not support retrieving Items by PortalID, and the only stored proc that returns ITEMS is:
GetListEntries which takes in
@ListName nvarchar(50),
@ParentKey nvarchar(150)
this means it will get all the items for all lists called "SmartThinker_EventCategory" across all portals. I need to only get the items for the portal I want.