Roger Selwyn wrote
I'm testing this using Events 3.3.8 on DNN 4.8.2, and can't replicate the problem. I've test using Localhost, which I know you said worked. So also tested using full URL on my test environment. I'm using PayPal sandbox, and then clicking the Return Link on the first paypal page presented. This works fine everytime.
Before you login to PayPal Sandbox, the URL being sent to PayPal should be visble in the address bar. Could you have a look and see what is being passed. It should look something like the link below. I have altered various bits...:-¤cy_code=GBP&return=¬ify_url=http%3a//
If you are using older versions or DNN, it maybe there is a bug in there generating the URL, since it calls a core function (NavigateUrl) to get the return url. I'm not saying it is a core problem, but it is a possibility.
Roger, I've done some more testing. I noticed a couple of things. In order to use the sandbox, you must be logged into first. When I log into the first in another window, and then go through my DNN site with a purchase, it takes me to the sandbox site, but the url is not what you have above, its ""
Now if I stay logged out of and go through my DNN site with a purchase, it takes me to a paypal sandbox site, but says "To access the Paypal sandbox, please login to Paypal Developer Central" and the url at the top of my browser shows what you said should be up there. Of course, at this point if I log in, I lose all that information in the url.
kind of a catch-22, it works if I stay logged out of, but i can't get into the sandbox to test. If I sign in to, I can test my sandbox, but the url from dnn gets screwed up. I suppose this will work fine when I'm using the real paypal, and not the testing evironment, but by not being able to test it, my confidence isn't at 100%
still, its weird that this would work on my local test and not my live test