Hi friends,
i am working on a project in which i have to stored an image path into the database and after that when i have to display on htmlImageControl , retrieve the path from the database and display it on the image control.
Now there is a problem occurred after the image display..................I am having three Radiobuttons:
1)Gray Scale 2)Sepia 3)FullColor
now when user clicks one of them the image color should be displayed what user wants..........
I am confused how it can be achieved...... and now i am coming to this forum for the help.....
i have a function in asp.net which converts an image in gray scale but it returns a bitmap.
i don't know how to use this function........ so please help me
here is my function========================>
Public Function ConvertToGrayscale(ByVal source As Bitmap) As Bitmap
Dim bm As New Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height)
Dim x
Dim y
For y = 0 To bm.Height
For x = 0 To bm.Width
Dim c As Color = source.GetPixel(x, y)
Dim luma As Integer = CInt(c.R * 0.3 + c.G * 0.59 + c.B * 0.11)
bm.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(luma, luma, luma))
Return bm
End Function