Thank you, Mitchell, for your interest and tons of information.
On the login issue, prior to today, I had never touched the login page setting. It was always "none specified." Still, the problem occurred. My host was less proficient with DNN than I am, so I decided to take DNN to a specialist host, and leave all my other apps where they are, for now. Eventually, we'll move them over to the DNN site. The other apps are fine without DNN around and run quickly from a link within DNN. Now, the funny part: today, I DID change the LOGIN page setting to HOME and broke the Login function by doing so. I simply assumed HOME had the module installed because, if it's not in HOME, where is it? Anyway, my host quickly fixed it and I'm back up.
As for configuring DNN and non-DNN apps, I thought I had done it right. As in /root/DNN, /root/app2, /root/app3, etc.. I never had the other apps in subfolders below /DNN. Still, they did not play well together. Until I'm smarter, they'll not be within 3000 miles of one another.
Yes, I do want a keep-alive program. Do you have a favorite? I understand there are a few free ones out there. I also took a quick look at one that costs, maybe, 10 cents per day? The latter says theirs is the way to go because all the others are installed in the .NET app, so what good are they? Whereas, there's is a remote "nagging" application.
Finally, I do like DNN a lot. I particularly like the look and feel of it out of the box. Great colors, navigation, etc.. So ... why have so many other users gone to such trouble to disguise the fact that they're using DNN? Corporate culture and colors? I've seen several sample sites where they've taken a great looking skin (native DNN) and ended up with what looks to me like the original ugly website. Go figure.
Thanks again for spending time on our startup issues, here.