After updating from 4.5.3 to 4.5.5 or 4.6.2, whenever I "Add New User" in Admin > User Accounts
1) I click "Add New User" to save
2) the Add New User page refreshes, i.e., it hits the server and then stays on the same page.
3) If I click "Add New User" again, I get an error:
A User Already Exists For the Username Specified. Please Register Again Using A Different Username.
The user is added to aspnet_users table, but NOT to the Users table.
This has happened on the Production host AND various dev instances.
I've tried synching the above two tables using,guid,591a79b3-b758-4653-af09-75c488b7d960.aspx before upgrade.
all the machine keys, db conn strings updated before running update.
This is the SQL trace after the upgrade. In my working 4.5.3 version, @portalId = 0, @p12 = [guid].
exec dbo.GetUserByUsername @PortalId=NULL,@Username=N'bearf'
declare @p12 uniqueidentifier
set @p12=NULL
exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_CreateUser
19:59:26:000'',@UserId=@p12 output
select @p12