Thanks for all the advice...
I have now purchased PageBlaster and also the PB SEO plug in. Just for anyone else wondering whether to purchase - Page Blaster has dramatically increased the speed of my website.
XHTML Strict - I added all the saved XHTML strict rules but my site still has 300-odd errors when I checked it! I would like to persue this though....I too get all the align=absmiddle errors and a LOT of 'ID' errors. I would be interested if anyone has any rules for getting over these...
I also use Aggregator on my site and this seems to have a real issue with page blaster. I had to remove a few of the saved XHTML rules to get it working properly again.
Also had a little trouble with catalook and the cart. I was hoping to use PB to stop the annoying 'unsecure/secure content' error that you get with a SSL. However, it would seem that you cannot use PB on the cart (not quite sure why) and it is excluded in the PB config file. So, I had to give up there... I will post back if i have any success.
As for the SEO plugin - I think I may be in slightly over my head....I cannot seen to get this working, although I'm confident that it is installed correctly. I have cleared cache, restarted and all sorts but with no success....Has anyone managed to get this working (in newbie terms please!) ;o)
So, in summary Page Blaster is fantastic for speed, friendly URLs, filtering, etc etc....and I'm sure it will do much more just as soon as I get to grips with it!
Many thanks,