I would like to create a custom admin role and include User Accounts in a page available to the new role.
I found a thread at http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Forums/tabid/795/forumid/108/threadid/17217/scope/posts/threadpage/3/Default.aspx that offers a couple of ways to rty but I am unclear on how to achieve one suggestion.
Michael Flanakin suggests 'Basically, you'll need to create a new module directory in the DesktopModules directory, copy (and modify) the Users.ascx and ManageUsers.ascx controls (you probably won't have to change the Users.ascx control), and register it on the Host > Module Definitions page. To package it up, all you need is to zip up your .ascx files and create a .dnn metadata descriptor. You should copy one of the core module's .dnn file for a starting point - I suggest a simple module, like the Image module, for instance.
When you register the module definition and controls, the Users.ascx control should have a null key and a type of View. The ManageUsers.ascx control should have both a key and type of Edit.'
But i don't fully understand.
When he says 'Basically, you'll need to create a new module directory in the DesktopModules directory, copy (and modify) the Users.ascx and ManageUsers.ascx controls' should I create folders 'DesktopModules/Users/users.ascx and DesktopModules/ManageUsers/manageusers.ascx' or just one folder ''DesktopModules/Users' and put both controls in it?
I tried it the last way and I can add the users module no problem but the manage users module appears in the module drop down list but when I add it to the page it does not show up.
Further, once the module definitions are added, would I then add both modules to a single page? I guess so, right?
Thanks in advance for any feedback. I am using DNN .5.3 with VS.NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005 and I am controlling the server